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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Is Buying A Cheap Tablet A Good Desicion?

The Tablets are getting more and more affordable these days with many manufactures showing interest in manufacturing tablets, the sales of the tablets are rising over last few years, which is due to the acceptance of public and ease it provides with vast range of advantages. As these have large screen size, it is easier to do certain tasks on tablets than on mobile and multimedia content such as movies,pictures look great on those bigger screens.moreover, some of the new tablets can be used as laptops with accessories. There are several local manufactures who have released tablets which can actually cheaper and better than premium device makers such as HTC,LG,Samsung and Asus.

Top players like Asus and LG produce devices which have premium design and conforms to every possible international standard. As the brand speaks everything and these are on premium side price is always higher than the cheaper tablets, while cheaper tablets try to match the features available on the these manufactures. There are several Android tablets out there which have similar or better features than that of Nexus 7, and yet these would have half the price of the Google's Tablet.

Only thing is that cheap device makers don't update there software once a tablet is bought it stays with that operating system, not all the manufactures but many don't provide updates at all , few provide updates but that is only for two versions or so, while it is obvious that cheap tablets are not the best buy design standard but they get the job done with such an affordable price which ultimately matters to the end user. If the tablet provides latest technology and features at an affordable price its always a good buy.

I can say that it is always a good option for the people who want to spend less and to be updated with the latest trends in the ever changing technology. However, one must be very careful in choosing the right device because not all these devices provide great performance or the best value for buck and all these tablets are manufactured using local electronic components so the life of these may not be as good as premium ones. Ultimately its end user who uses it so it depends on his decision on what to buy and why.

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